Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Mr Canterbury

ikot waktu malaysia, in a few mins is Mr Canterbury birthday.. well...

Happy Birthday Dear!

If there's something that you're dreaming of then may it all come true, because you deserve it all!
since you are at work from the other side of the world writing codes for the custom report, i carefully picked this for you :D
  yeahhh this will also remind you that once you get back, our movie-date-out is to watch this new movie :D
and also wishing you...
sincere wish by,
all truly yours

Monday, April 11, 2011

huh kasik balik duit aku!!

akhirnya siap jugak aku declare income tax... kumpul resit2 dlm stengah jam... wat declaration dlm 15 minit... setel... and as anticipated sbb aku kumpul byk resit taun lepas, mesti la dpt rebate balik... plus 500++ dh siap2 tolak zakat dah...

ermm ade la sket duit extra wat top-up2 belanja kawen kot huhuhuh...

Friday, April 8, 2011

kesudahan kisah 2 lovers mating near my parking place

igt citer pasal kucen mentenet kt umah mase aku work from home sebulan dua lepas?? ni lah hasilnya... beranak suda 26 march ari tu... 3 ekor sume nyer.. mostly gene bapak nyerrrr!!! seb baik lawo...skrang ko jaga la anak ko ehhhh... im not a big fan of cats... aku sker tengok kitty comey2 jek, then thats it... bile dh byk2 aku koser dah... nk lagi kalau dok berak merata dlm umah lagi la aku anti huhuhu....

skrang tah mane die sorok anak die tu... sbb last week mase kenduri wawa budak2 kejap2 tarik bakul die nk tengok, rimas die tengok budak2 lansung die pi alih tpt lain... jgn sebarkn pijat like the last kucen itam tu cukup la... kain die beranak tu selamat dah aku buang, padahal mak suruh rendam clorox + air panas heheheh... koser ahhh nk gonyoh kain darah2 plak...

ni mak balik nsk td dok cakap cik midah umah lot 6 ala2 spca bela kucen sampai 50 ekor tu soh sajes kasik treatment kt kucen2 tu... adoiii korang yg nk bela, apsal aku lak terbabit nk menjaga kesihatan kucen2 plak nih.... cukup la aku jagakan kesihatan korang2 jek, binatang peliharaan yg korang nk bela bile mase plak menjadik tanggungjawab atas batu jemala patik nih???

is it really warm there??

the same kedai, but different table and a different kitty... mase mula2 dtg, die tgh lepak atas kusi aku nk duduk... org kedai dh halau turun.... alih2 tibe2 Mr Canterbury terasa something kt kaki die... urmmm once again??? cekelat plak... ermm pas nih aku plak nk try baring kt situ aci tak? comfy sgt ke agaknya ehh?? syok jek die tido mcm tanak bangun.... siap merengkok2 posing baekkk lagi...

eiii cumil betolll... gerammmm....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wawa enganged plak

bz bangettt... tiada masa bukak blog pon... ni pon sbb nk update appointment spital utk org2 tersayang, senang nk refer... and also nk menengok perhitungan hari, bape bulan lagi ade sblm jeng jeng jengggg hehehehhe... up to date, ade 7 months 5 days lagi huhuhu... kejap jek... by the time Mr Canterbury balik dr US nnt, dah jadik 6 bulan... during that time dh kene pi tempah baju nikah, seriously pi bridal and mencuba baju, dh setat kene membayo deposit ape patut to cameraman, pilih caterer, decide door gift, carik katil... adoiiii byk nyer bende nk kene buat... dah la kt opis pon besepah keje nihh huarghhhhhhhh nangessssss...

anyway, wawa dh selamat bertunang last week... santekkkkkkkkk... harus pakai mak andam same mase hari besar nnt... wajib! anyway congratulation dear sista!