Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Little FF progress


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Beg Nine West

mcm skerr jek ngan beg nih... iskkk ni sume kak gee nyer pasal citer pasal beg coach die yg baru and dok soh2 belek2 gambo pehtu pesan kt safwana... iskkkk blom mase beli beg la... cukupkn duit belanja kenduri dulu... issskkkk (utk kali ke-3) tapi sukerrrrrrrrrrr.....mcm mane nih... start la setan dh cocok2 tu... reeennnnnnnnn saboooooooooooooo... laterrrrrrrrrr........ skrang layan gambo jek la dulu ehhhhhhhhhh...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Documentation Nikah

jumpe dah senarai documentation utk nikah.. leh download then print sendrik jek dr website nih... hahahha td gedik nk pi kursus kawen, ni dah gedik nk isi borang kawen plak... hehehe sat gi aku print boh dlm folder biru yg tertengkat2 itu...

nih sume yg perlu di print...

Borang Permohonan Nikah (Lelaki/Perempuan guna borang yang sama dan diisi dlm 2 salinan)
Borang Pengesahan Tandatangan Wali

ade a few yg mungkin x applicable utk aku.. ade procedure lain plak... nnt gugel and update lain kot... nk kene2 pi court nih tgu ape kate pak ngah la dulu tengok mcm mane....

Next Step... Kursus Kawen!

yeahoo dh daftar pi kursus kawen hahhaha gedikssssss sungguh bunyik nyerrr... mcm x sabo2 nk kawen dah pulakk... hehehhe sebenar nyer mmg x sabo pon (gedikssssssss lagi skali hahhaha)... ari ni kt opis kitorang berdua jek, sempat diskas pasal bajet kawen lagi mcm dating gitewwww... browse2 blog teringat plak kate nk pegi kursus 8-9 jan tp x daftar lagi, automatik soh Mr Canterbury tepon centre yg buat kursus kt TTDI and register trus by SMS... kompom dlm kalender aku Sabtu 8 Jan 2pm-630pm & Ahad 9 Jan 830am - 430pm  adalah bz pegi kursus ok... selesai satu perkara... checked!

iskkkk debo plak nihhhh... ade tanye soklan pape ke ehhh mase kursus tu.. kalau x dapek jawab ke mesti malu ehhhh... harap2 xde la sessi tanye2 soklan kt peserta huhuhuhuh aminnnn....

Chacho's Cheesy Cheese

last week abesss.... cume ade bbq jek.. ari ni suda ade balik... ni lah menu lunch kekadang especially bile malas kuar... or malas angkat bontot pi mane2 hehehehe....time kasihh ehhhhh SJ021185 belikan untuk kite...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

jom pi kursus kawen

kompom pi kursus kawen kt ttdi... bulan january seperti dirancang... dlm iklan die dah ajak pi tempah hihihihi... pakai sms or tepon utk booking, senang bangattt....



kursus diadakan setiap sabtu dan ahad sahaja.


HANTAR KE : 012-294 3040 / 012-634 6533

Atau hubungi talian hotline kami di : 03-4260 4329 / 03-4253 3864


SABTU : 2.00ptg - 6.30ptg
AHAD : 8.30 pagi - 4.30 ptg

Bayaran RM80.00 seorang 

sape nk join lagi mehhh ahhhh... meriahh sket seyyyyy....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stucked (again!)

I am going through the long kawen checklist and sorting through the budget again... and (again!) get stucked..... trying to re-organize the spreadsheet but ended up looking more messy than ever... ahhhhh I really shouldn't be doing this kind of thing when I obviously have an overdue menses... sentiasa serabut and I can't even think properly... ayah hinting on going out makan or a small thing such as atok's appointment pon can be a big deal to me.... everything is a big problem for me to do at the moment except for being with Mr Canterbury of course!!! iskkkk i need to drop whatever I've been doing right now, not in the mood..really... just sit tight and relax enjoying the rest of my sick leave day.... take a bath, solat and tido early! else clean up the kitchen (x sepah mane pon, tp kemas la jugak..), mop lantai depan sbb td dh rase berpasir sket, take a bath, solat then tido! i think i'll do the second one, kasik penat sket then br leh tido kot, i did wallop the whole mug of good thick neskepe this morning at the hospital, hopefully it wont affect my sleeping tonite...

Mr Canterbury, harap paham yerrr, I am just not myself till my girly thingy is officially out of my system... anyway, kite pegi kursus kawen bulan depan ekkkk, either 8-9 jan or 15-16 jan...kompom!!!! erkkkk insya allah if either of us dont have to fly out....esok harus tanye2 pada manusia yg penah pegi...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

professional ke???

i walked halfway across the hospital just to know the group of people i am supposed to have meeting with are all everywhere else except at the meeting venue.... bodoooooo... pandai set miting ke idak??? menyusahkn tau tak... winky kt cardiac clinic... call norhayati x angkat.. and the best part is dokter dah balik!!!!!!!!!

aku carut kang kate x professional... korang tu professional sgt ke kalau set miting tp sendirik x dtg!!!!

and si bimbo bongok app manager ni dh start nk menunjukkan kebodohan tahap gaban die tu... malas betol la nk layan!!!!!!!!

not in a mood nk entertain kebangangan org2 bangang ok ari nihhh... aku manyakkk keje x siap lagi nihhh....

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Twelve-To-Six-Months-Before

penat aku carik majalah yg aku bace on wedding checklist, last2 jumpe online on somebody's blog... fuhh leh copy paste jek yesssss... sedang elok utk dipublishkn sekarang...
  • mengaturkan bajet  ----> in progress, Mr Canterbury buatkan mase tunggu aku cabot gigi minggu lepas... harus direview dan diletakkan dlm format yg lebey kemas... spreadsheet kak wa! 
  • pilih tarikh dan waktu bernikah ---> kak wa kate nk 11-11-2011 pulak?? sila confirm
  • pilih lokasi dan waktu jamuan serta membuat tempahan ---> standard kot ni, umah! tempahan kene soal siasat mem beso kt umah tu kalau nk nikah kt surau
  • memesan lokasi dan waktu upacara persandingan berlangsung ---> mak tanak sanding kot??
  • menentukan gaya serta tema majlis persandingan  ---> kaler ape weiii??? biru ke?
  • pilih penyelaras majlis perkahwinan yang terbaik bagi menata majlis anda -->cik enon & kompeni hahahhaha
  • kumpul nama tetamu ---> facebook! senang betol, most of the friends kt situ dh... tp ade a few yg mcm tersisih dr dunia cyber mcm sue/nik intan/mokshied hahhahaha kene pi carik!
  • pilih pengapit, pengiring serta pengacara majlis ---> sape nk jadik pengapit aku?? harus kumpul a few names dulu...
  • pilih juruandam ---> dah kompom date then leh kompom ngan kak erin & friend
  • pilih katering ---> tatau! kene kompom ngan mem beso kt umah... start with listing a few choices??
  • pilih jurufoto dan juruvideo ---> msh dlm mode survey?
  • pilih kedai bunga serta penghias lokasi majlis ---> cik enon & kompeni again
  • pilih cincin gelang/rantai pernikahan  ---> msh dlm mode survey?
  • pilih muzik ---> abg molok???
  • pilih kek pengantin ---> harus ade ke?? sevey... sevey dulu... dan harus dimasukkan dlm bajet??
  • pilih kad jemputan ---> msh dlm mode survey?

Happy New Year!


Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar
atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib
pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah.

Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata :
"Kesusahan bagiku dan sia-sia lah pekerjaanku menggoda
anak Adam pada setahun ini dan Allah binasakan
aku satu saat jua. Dengan sebab membaca doa ini,
Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun"


Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas maghrib
pada malam satu Muharram.

Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata :
"Telah amanlah anak Adam ini daripada godaan
pada tahun ini kerana Allah telah mewakilkan
dua Malaikat memeliharanya daripada fitnah Syaitan".

mudah-mudahan diampunkan dosa, dimurahkan rezeki, dipanjangkan umur, dipanjangkan jodoh, dipermudahkan perjalanan hidup,  dilimpahkan rahmat, dan diberkati hidup dunia & akhirat...


Dengan nama Allah
Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang

Ya Allah…
Seandainya telah Engkau catatkan…
Dia milikku tercipta buatku…satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku..
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan antara kami…
Agar kemesraan itu abadi..

Ya Allah..
ya Tuhanku yang Maha Mengasihi
seiringkanlah kami melayari hidup ini..
ke tepian yang sejahtera dan abadi..
maka jodohkanlah kami..

Ya Allah
Satukanlah hati kami ini seperti Engkau satukan hati 
Adam dan Hawa, Yusuf dan Zulaikha 
dan seperti Engkau satukan hati Muhammad SAW dan Siti Khadijah.
Semoga Engkau memberkati dan menghimpunkan kami berdua 
kebaikan dan keberkatan di dunia dan akhirat
Tetapi ya Allah..
seandainya telah Engkau takdirkan
Dia bukan milikku..
Bawalah dia jauh dari pandanganku.
Luputkanlah dia dari ingatanku…
Dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan…

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku yang Maha Mengerti..
Berikanlah aku kekuatan…
Menolak bayangannya jauh ke dada langit…
Hilang bersama senja yang merah…
Agarku sentiasa tenang..
Walaupun tanpa bersama dengannya..

Ya Allah yang tercinta…
Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdir Mu..
Sesungguhnya apa yang telah Engkau takdirkan..
Adalah yang terbaik untukku…
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mengetahui…
Segala yang terbaik buat hamba-Mu…

Ya Allah..
Cukuplah Engkau sahaja yang menjadi pemeliharaku…
Di dunia dan di akhirat…
Dengarlah rintihan dari hamba-Mu yang dhaif ini…
Janganlah Engkau biarkan aku sendirian…
Di dunia ini mahupun di akhirat…
Menjuruskan aku ke arah kemaksiatan dan
Maka kurniakanlah aku seorang pasangan yang
Agar aku dan dia sama-sama dapat membina kesejahteraan
Ke jalan yang Engkau redhai…
Dan kurniakanlah padaku keturunan yang soleh dan

Ya Alllah…
Berikanlah kami kebahagiaan di dunia dan
di akhirat…
dan peliharalah kami dari azab api neraka…
Ya Rabbal’aalamin….

Sunday, December 5, 2010


5 Dec 2010 9.30PM Petronas Ayer Keroh - Just to mark our first time Mr Canterbury menjadi imam, mengimamkan aku solat... the feelings? it is just so incredible feelings no words could describe it..... really...

5 Dec 2010 11PM PLUS Highway - Just to mark our 1st time heart-to-heart talk... Me & Mr Canterbury...
sharing our true inner feelings, hopes... all the things left unsaid before...

knowing him is the best thing ever happen to me... true enough...no kidding...

with him, i finally have the strength to face the ugly truth i've been avoiding like a plague my whole life, my own birth.... the strength i never know i have... the strength i gathered for him.. i know for good all the truth will come out someday just a matter of time but it won't till i say to mum, "i'm ready to settle down"... i know i'm ready to end all the puzzle when i'm with him, to be with him i'll face anything even my biggest fear.. for him...

well, this goes for you...

and also ........


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


            _______                                   ______
         ..//``~~~~~-=+=-=+~~~~\\.      .//~~~~=-=+=-~~~~~''\\..
     ..//=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-\\    //=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=\\..
||~~\    /~~~\/~~~\   /~~~\/~~~\   /~~~\/~~~\   /~~~\/~~~\   /~~~\/~~||
||  /    \        /   \        /   \        /   \        /   \       ||
||/        \    /       \    /       \    /       \    /       \    /||
||           \/           \/           \/           \/           \/  ||
      |   `\\=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=//''
      |      ``\\=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=//''
_____|_____     ``\\=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=//''     
|   I Love  |        ``\\=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=//''
|  You Reen!|            ``\\=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=//''
|   *kiss*  |                ``\\=+=-=+=//''
~~~~~~~~~~~                     ``\\//''

got this from Mr Canterbury yesterday... suke suke suke... hahahhah kate lah ape pon, jiwang ke poyos ke... igt aku kesah... asalkan aku bahagia sudahh tak kaco org pon kan kan kan... 

yeahhhh i love you too!!! three.. four.. five... seratos lime ploh juta kuasa 18 kali infiniti!

Monday, November 29, 2010

apsal?? apsal??? apsalll????

nape org amerika dtg mesia tak payah visa?? tp org mesia nk dpt visa pi amerika susah beno...byk beno proses... mahal beno kene bayo sampei myr500!! depa masuk pree2 jek...

Thursday, November 25, 2010


accidentally bumped into this, to my surprise somebody has his ID & outlook profile created longggg before his start date **wink wink***.... hahhaha aku plak yg suda excited terlebey ;-p...Hope this may put some smiles to his face especially after the visa incident last Tuesday that made him so down... Cheer up honey!

Dedicated for Mr Canterbury

I like the feel of your name on my lips
And I like the sound of your sweet gentle kiss
The way that your fingers run through my hair
And how your scent lingers even when you're not there

And I like the way your eyes dance when you laugh
And how you enjoy your two-hour bath
And how you've convinced me to dance in the rain
With everyone watching like we were insane

But I love the way you love me
Strong and wild, slow and easy
Heart and soul so completely
I love the way you love me

And I like the sound of old R 'n' B
And you roll your eyes when I'm sloppily off key
And I like the innocent way that you cry
At sappy old movies you've seen thousands of times


(Listen to me now)
And I could list a million things
I love to like about you
But they could all come down to one reason
I could never live without you

Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm Engaged!

 only one word to describe my feeling right know, BLESSED...
  • for the Almighty God
  • for my family... through thick and thin, dunia & akhirat this is my family... i could not have asked for other
  • for him... HE COMPLETES ME... in every sense

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tengkiuuu tengkiuuuu

antara ucapan2 yg aku terima menerusi page fesbuk aku... time kasih sume2, X sempat nk reply kt fesbuk sbb bz sgt melayan keje opis, kot kalau aku reply ari ni pon mcm dh agak2 basi... anyway i just wanted to let u guys know, i truly appreciate all the wishes dan doa2 kalian (aminnnnn...), luv u all!


Monday, November 15, 2010

dinner yg spesel...

i got special treat from Mr Canterbury... a dinner cook by no other but himself! hehehe sedap woooo! mekasihhhhhhhhhhh sgttttt...the very romantic okey... i like it better this way rather than spending so much monies eating outside plus we gonna have a big event coming up next wiken, mau pakai manyak wang jugak maaaa, kene save sket okey...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wiken again!

Rase mcm panjang nyer minggu nihhhh, with session with users hari2… ade sedikit rase kuciwa ngan system adoption… bende yg penat2 aku build 10-15 kali aku modify before release to production at the end user tak pakai pon… hawauuu kejadah betol depa nihhh… patut la byk beno masa dokter pi melepak kt tarik café, rupenyer keje dorang soh nurse buat…

And for the wrap up session, the stakeholders who supposed to be in the session either wasn’t around or was not invited because of kebau stupidity.. Apekejadah setakat ngan present kt die, me and sister; the director plus the apps manager should get the message straight to their face how "competence" and "compliance" their users are in using the system!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Adoiiii Kak Erin pi Bandung plak starting from 19th, 22nd baru balik…  urmmm at least she gave her friend's contact no who can settle the same amount she would charge me and she would be available for service… lega la sket kot bunyik nya… selesai satu perkara, next has to re-confirm sbb tak berapa sure pukul berapa definisi lepas zohor family Mr Canterbury… if he himself could be after 30 mins or paling lewat 45 mins lepas azan die akan sampei dah, but with his family x tau la plak kan… so aku bajet around 2.30 kot nyerrr… harus kene call balik next week to reconfirm…

And again, after an exhausted session at work (sampai almost 7 ok!), have to continue work at nite from home for validation as our kebau manager schedule another packages installation to production domain… hadoiiii bile la mat saleh bongok ni nk berambus...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's official!

Mr Canterbury telah secara rasmi accept the offer, and tender his resignation… yeayyyy in another one month (or one and a half month), I will have car pool partner \(=^=)/

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ade sponsor ehhhh

Along telah volunteer utk sponsor buah for the hantaran, and secara otomatik trigger some sense to me to get more sponsors hahahhaha… sms kak ina agreed utk sponsor kek, pehtu pi paksa apit plak sponsor cekelat, huhuhu nazi sungguh plak aku, pehtu rase bersalah plak susahkn org :(

Anyway mekasihh ehh korang, leh pakai $$$ yg patut utk beli mende2 tu utk bayo org mekap plak…

Urmmm next kene call Kak Erin tanye leh mekapkan ke idak...

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Went to OU to get something for Mr Canterbury… smalam aku penin pilih cincin, ari ni kasik die plak penin pilih perfume.. Turned out it wasn’t so hard after all, after trying and browsing around the options they offered - DKNY, Sean John, Dunhill, Diesel, Armani, Davidoff, we then sat down on a sofa in one corner trying to eliminate the list one by one till we only have 2 in the list to choose from.. Aku sker Armani Code tp tak byk freebies plak, so finally we settle for Davidoff new collection Champion… not bad la apart for freebies for Mr Canterbury, I got one for myself too yeayyyy… ngelat ehhh beli barang utk org then tumpang utk diri sendrik skali…

And because November is my birthday, Parkson kasik free rm40 voucher for spending more than rm200… hah  there you go, sopping utk diri sendrik plak best bestt… yeahooo ade baju baru!

Updated 11 November 2010:
Rupe Champion for Mr Canterbury di atas dulang! Iyeeee, siap sudaaa, family aku mmg sgt express dlm keje2 begini ;-)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lord Of The Ring

maka acara pencarian cincin pon bermula... dr satu kedai ke satu kedai pegi... siap pi poh kong nyer HQ, wah chan pon diredah, last2 cincin yg dikenan sgt jumpe kt kedai yg x femes pon... x kesah la kedai x femes pon, asalkn aku sker sgt ngan cincin tu, peduliks ahh org lain kate kan, aku yg nk pakai pon bukan dorang... batu x tinggi sgt, bukan mcm makcik2, design simple2.. yg penting jugak Mr Canterbury pasan mata aku bersinar2 bile pakai cincin tu cukup la kan.... and the funny thing was he didnt look at my finger when i put on the ring but dok perati my face expression instead....muka aku happy ke, syok2 ke, kelat ke, poyos ke hahahhaha.... so kesimpulannya kata putus Mr Canterbury kompom la akan bertunang jua akhirnya sbb beli cincin ade batu aminnnnn... after that trus pi jln TAR beli sejadah & quran as part of hantaran... esok plan nk carik something else plak, mungkin perfume utk Mr Canterbury...

ahakssss, salu aku paling x sker tengok cincin kt jari aku, rase huduh jek sbb jari aku beruas, tp ari ni aku rase teramat lawo sgt2 plak hehehhehe.... mekasihhhh eh Mr Canterbury! I luv it vely2 much!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Teruja Lebey

kompom mmg bengkak bangat mata aku, tp aku buat muke selamba jek... perit plak tu rase, mcm ade mata aku dh jadik sebeso bola ping pong... huhuuhu di pagi hari dh buat janji ngan Mr Canterbury kt Sri Gombak menyelesaikan perkara berbangkit supaya die leh pegi jumpe agen ah long berlesen utk selesaikan kes die... sampai opis 10++ dh start membebel & explain kt yukio matsuki pasal email yg aku fwd kt die kol 2 pagi smalam... pehtu FO plak ping ajak pi lunch, aku angguk laju2 (walaupon die tak nmpk) sbb mmg aku adalah sgt kompom malas nk wat ape pon... stay after lunch pon semata ade miting tertangguh smalam postpone ke ari ni, kalau idak mmg aku dh angkat kaki balik, baik bawak atok pi klinik lagi bagos... kol pat lebey aku pon cabot same FO...

tp dh rase so much better ari nih... dh boley menjawab soklan2 berkaitan dr FO tanpa emosi...tanpa setitik air mata pon... chaiyokk reen!!!

selain tu, perkara berbangkit Mr Canterbury berjalan lancar alhamdullillah... boley la nk accept offer anytime...

selebeynya excited.. esok nk pi cari cincin yeahoooo!!!!

Isu Mr Canterbury & Isu Aku

sepagian sambil2 aku buat keje pegi print pape yg patut utk Mr Canterbury... masalah yg dihadapi tak dapat diselesaikan dgn cara yg aku suggestkn mula2... adik kak as dah kasik senarai dokumen yg perlu utk membolehkn Mr Canterbury clearkn name & blhkn dia fly nnt, tp yg sedikit perit die nk suruh bayo tunai jugak separuh.... ermmm cubaan carik ngan adik-beradik gagal, so kene carik ah long jugak maaaa.. seb baik ah long suda ada stenbai... esok2 balik dr obersi elaun awak sume masuk akaun ah long balik ye bangggg.....

malam nyer mak kasik news yg aku lom sedia nk terima.... iskkkk x sker caught me off guard mcm tu... tp anyhow sooner or later mmg mak nk kene kasik tau, just a matter of time... aku dh takde perasaan pon... mereka takde kene mengena dan tiada kepentingan pon dlm hidup aku, tak ade pon aku x penah tanya2 dan x penah nk pegi mencarik2... they cut me off their life, i might do just the same... jgn nk salahkan aku if i be so cynical , skeptical and cold if they were in front of me.... aku rase cukup dgn ape yg aku ade sekarang... xde terasa kurang siket pon kehidupan aku... Mr Canterbury pesan sblm tido don't drill on the pass, just look ahead on the bright future ahead, our future, for our families... huhuhuh thanks a zillion for being there! Mr Canterbury pon dh kasik tau ngan famili die, kate nyer dorang x kesah, alhamdulillah...

tapi, kenapa aku x leh tido, puas aku golek kiri kanan atas bawah tp still x leh zzzzzzzzzz... pastu kejap2 kang aku nangis lagi....last2 aku online, mula2 hadap fesbuk, pehtu aku reply email mangkok ayon dr us... pehtu dh rase ngantok & ok sket... tp bile off jek laptop start la ayaq mate nih nk kuar balik... iskkkkk kenapa????? crap la aku nihh... kol pat lebey br tido... kompom pi keje esok mata bengkak... crap crap...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kompom tarikhnya!

kite dh ade date yeahoooo... 21 November... gulppp... 2 minggu stengah jek lagi... tapi masih tak pasti nk stick to the plan risik sahaja ke atau nk terus bertunang...tatau aku pon kompius... mane2 pon boley kot kt aku, tp Mr Canterbury kene pikir byk sket sbb nk kene beli cincin dua skali plak.... kekanda ipar Mr Canterbury dh siap kol2 bertanya itu ini... Mr Canterbury kate kite decide mase beli cincin la and to be advised later huhuhu... saya ikotkn saje ye... anyway, selamat berpikir!

oh ye.. at the same time we are celebrating Mr Canterbury new job.. alhamdulillah... syukur sgt... br jek dpt formal offer, salary offered more than mine plak tu huhuhuh.. tapi anyway kalau org lain aku adalah harus maha jeles teramat, tp sbb yg dpt tu adalah bakal ketua keluarga aku kan so happy beriya2 sgt tidak terkata la...  tapi Mr Canterbury membangkitkan satu permasalahan baru, aiyooo cik abang x leh fly utk pi trening atas sebab tertentu cik adik, alamak... takpe kite mesti boley pikirkan cara terbaik mengatasi masalah ini... mesti selesaikan dlm masa terdekat before next monday supaya leh confirm start date ngan kompeni baru bile minah saleh tu kol balik nanti... chaiyokkkk!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bile Nk Datang Tu..

Menunggu date dari Mr Canterbury kompom bape aribulan family die nk datang... yg pasti lepas raya aji, sama ada wiken 21 or 28... hehehe debar la jugak.. tp feedback dr org kebanyakkan nya apsal risik jek, apsal tak tunang skali.. iskkk ntah aku pon tatau la... aku ikot mane yg elok jek... ready kah aku?? insya allah tuhan permudahkan..

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Alhamdulilah majlis apit berjalan lancar, baik belah pompuan maupon belah kitorang part laki... so next harus difokus pada diri sendiri plak... baru la leh proceed ngan ape yg patut utk aku plak insya allah..